Before & After Photos
Results below were submitted from verified Nood customers
Thanks to Nood I no longer need to shave my armpits! - Jess K.
Didn't see any difference after the first treatment, but after the third time I have almost no hair on my legs! - Erica P.
I was a bit hesitant at first but it actually works. I use it while I watch TV - Ange T.
My results after 5 weeks are EPIC! No more hair on my legs - Rebecca N.
I had so much hair on my ARMS, now they're completely smooth! - Olivia W.
I used to get waxing every month. Thank you Nood for saving me from another wax. - Stephanie U.
It took awhile to work, but my armpits are completely free of hair now. - Jana H.
Shocked this works so well, It doesn't even hurt! - Vicky G.
My arms were SO hairy before I used Nood. Thank you so much for this! - Kim E
I HATE really hate shaving. This was such an affordable and easy option. - Cecilia S.
I've always wanted laser hair removal but couldn't afford it. So glad I got the Nood handset instead. - Kelley S.
It's only been 2 weeks and I've noticed a huge difference in how much hair I have on my legs. - Kara J.
My legs are smoother than my 5 year old daughters! Literally so soft, no hair. I love it! - Diane W.
Was concerned this wouldn't work on my hair because it's so light, but it worked so well! - Claudia S.
OMG...honestly so shocked how fast this worked. Just wish I had bought it sooner. - Ginger J.
I'm very happy with the results. Great purchase. Norma O.
This wasn't even painful. It does take some patience, but it actually works. - Vicki C.
I had some hair along my chin from PCOS. This got rid of it in just about a month. - Carolina G.